Matthew P. Walker, MD
Orthopedic Spine Surgeon
Board Certified
Orthopaedic Spine Fellowship
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Orthopedic Surgery Residency
Summa Health System, Akron, OH
- Medical School: West Virginia University School of Medicine, Morgantown, WV
- Undergraduate School: West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV
Hospital Affiliation
- Charleston Area Medical Center
- Charleston Area Medical Center Teays Valley Hospital (Application Made)
- Charleston Surgical Hospital
- Thomas Memorial Hospital
- St. Francis Hospital
- Select Specialty Hospital
Professional Memberships
- American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons
- North American Spine Society
- American Medical Association
- West Virginia State Medical Association
- Kanawha County Medical Society
Additional Information
Certification and Licensing
- American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery July 2005-Present
- State of Ohio, November 1998.
- State of Minnesota, September 2002
- State of West Virginia, May 2003
- State of New Mexico, December 2014
- State of Florida, March 2015
- First Place – Resident/Fellows Spine Meeting - Poster Competition, New Orleans, LA, 2001
- Second Place – Ohio Orthopaedic Society - Zimmer Scholarship Research Competition, 2000
- Walker, M.P.; Clen, Q.; Yaszemski, M.J.; Currier, B.L.; Biomechanical Comparison of Unicortical and Bicortical C1 Lateral Mass Screw Fixation. Cervical Spine Research Society-Annual Meeting, Dec. 2003
- Weiner, B.K.; Walker, M.P.; Wiley W.; McCulloch, J.; The Flying Buttress-An Anatomical Feature of the Pars Interarticularis. Postgraduate Day Research Competition, Akron, OH June 2002
Weiner, B.K.; Walker, M.P.; Wiley W.; McCulloch, J.; The Flying Buttress-An Anatomical Feature of the Pars Interarticularis. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine, 29th Annual Meeting Cleveland, OH May 2002
- Weiner, B.K.; Walker, M.P.; Wiley W.; McCulloch, J.; The Flying Buttress-An Anatomical Feature of the Pars Interarticularis. Orthopaedic Research Day, Akron, OH, Sept. 2001.
- Walker, M.P.; Weiner, D.; Vulpius Procedure Revisited. Orthopaedic Research Day, Akron, OH, Sept. 2001.
- Walker, M.P.; Weiner, D.; Outcomes Following the Vulpius Procedure and Z-lengthening of the Achilles Tendon for Equinus Deformity in Spastic Cerebral Palsy. Mid-American Orthopaedic Association, Amelia Island, FL, April 2001.
- Walker, M.P.; Weiner, D.; Outcomes Following the Vulpius Procedure and Z-lengthening of the Achilles Tendon for Equinus Deformity in Spastic Cerebral Palsy. Orthopaedic Research Day, Akron, OH, Sept. 2001.
- Weiner, B.K.; Walker, M.P.; Vascular Anatomy Anterior to Lumbosacral Transitional Vertebrae: Implications for the Anterior Approach. Ohio Orthopaedic Society Zimmer Scholarship Competition, Canton, OH, July 2000.
- Weiner, B.K; Walker, M.P.; Vascular Anatomy Anterior to Lumbosacral Transitional Vertebrae: Implications for the Anterior Approach. Postgraduate Day Research Competition, Akron, OH, May 2000.
- Weiner, B.K; Walker, M.P.; Vascular Anatomy Anterior to Lumbosacral Transitional Vertebrae: Implications for the Anterior Approach. Mid-American Orthopaedic Association, Scottsdale, AZ, April 2000.
- Weiner, B.K; Walker, M.P.; Vascular Anatomy Anterior to Lumbosacral Transitional Vertebrae: Implications for the Anterior Approach. Orthopaedic Research Day, Akron, OH, Sept. 1999.
- Weiner, B.K.; Walker, M.P.; McCulloch, J.A., Outcomes Following Lumbar Microdecompression. Mid-American Orthopaedic Association, Bermuda, April 1999.
- Weiner, B.K.; Walker, M.P.; McCulloch, J.A.,: Outcomes Following Lumbar Microdecompression. American Orthopaedic Association-Annual Resident’s Conference, Sacramento, CA, February 1998.
- Weiner, B.K.; Walker, M.P.; McCulloch, J.A.,: Outcomes Following Lumbar Microdecompression. Orthopaedic Research Day, Akron, OH, Sept. 1997.
- Walker, M.P.; Spirou, G.A.; and Berrebi, A.S. (1995) Connectivity of the Lateral Nucleus of the Trapezoid Body in Cats. Charleston Area Medical Center Research Day, Charleston, WV, May 1996.
- Walker, M.P.; Spirou, G.A.; and Berrebi, A.S. (1995) Connectivity of the Lateral Nucleus of the Trapezoid Body in Cats. Van Liere Research Day, Morgantown, WV, May 1995.
- Weiner, B.K.; Walker, M.P.; The Flying Buttress – An Anatomical Feature of the Pars Interarticularis. Mid-American Orthopaedic Association, Tucson, AZ, April, 2002.
- Weiner, B.K.; Walker, M.P.; The Flying Buttress – An Anatomical Feature of the Pars Interarticularis. Resident/Fellows Spine Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Nov. 2001.
- Weiner, B.K.; Walker, M.P.; Fraser, R.D.; Vascular Anatomy Anterior to Lumbosacral Transitional Vertebrae—Implications for the Anterior Approach. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine (ISSLS), Hawaii, June 1999.
- Walker, M.P; Spirou, G.A.; and Berrebi, A.S. (1995) Connectivity of the Lateral Nucleus of the Trapezoid Body in Cats. Association for Research in Otolaryngology, St. Petersburg Beach, FL. February 1995
Book Chapter
- Walker, M.P.; Yaszemski, M.J.; Kim, C.W.; Talac, R.M.; Currier, B.L.; Metastatic Tumors. Orthopaedic Surgery Essentials-Spine 2004; 97-105
- Eck, J.C.; Walker, M.P.; Currier, B.L.; Chen, Q.; Yaszemski, M.J.; An, K.N.; Biomechanical Comparison of Unicortical Versus Bicortical Lateral Mass Screw Fixation. J Spinal Disorder Tech. 2007 Oct.; 20(7): 505-508
- Walker, M.P.; Yaszemski, M.J.; Kim, C.W.; Talac, R.M.; Currier, B.L.; Metastatic Disease of the Spine: Evaluation and Treatment. Clinical Orthopaedic Related Research 2003 Oct; (415 Suppl): 165-175
- Weiner, B.K.; Walker, M.P.; Wiley W.; McCulloch, J.; The Lateral Buttress: An Anatomic Feature of the Lumbar Pars Interarticularis Spine 2002 Sept 1; 27(17):E 385-387.
- Weiner, B.K.; Walker, M.P.; Vascular Anatomy Anterior to Lumbosacral Transitional Vertebrae and Implications for Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion. The Spine Journal. 2001 Nov/Dec 1;6:442-444
- Weiner, B.K.; Walker, M.P.; McCulloch, J.A.; Brower, R.S.; Microdecompression for Lumbar Spinal Canal Stenosis. 2000 Year Book of Orthopedics.
- Weiner, B.K.; Walker, M.P.; McCulloch, J.A.; Brower, R.S.,: Microdecompression for Lumbar Spinal Canal Stenosis. Spine. 1999 Nov 1;24(21):2268-72
- Spirou, G.A.; Walker, M.P.; and Berrebi, A.S. (1995) Connectivity of the Lateral Nucleus of the Trapezoid Body in Cats Association for Research in Otolaryngology. Abstract 18:39
Work Experience
- Neurological Associates, Inc. Charleston, WV Orthopaedic Spine Surgeon August 2004-Present
- Magellan Health Physician Clinical Reviewer June 2014-Present
- Orthopaedic Healthcare Associates, Inc. Charleston, WV Orthopaedic Surgeon August 2003-July 2004
- Research Assistant, Department of Otolaryngology West Virginia University Summer 1993
- Resident Assistant, West Virginia University Residence Hall, 1990-92; Responsible for assisting and monitoring 24 residents.